Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rural Wiccans

Why are there not more rural wiccans? I don't see literature for it, I don't see it online, am I not looking in the right place? I understand perfectly well why there are lots and lots of *urban* pagan/wiccans but I can't be the only person who wants where and how they live to be reflected and reflected in their spirituality....
Now I could quibble about the term wiccan, or pagan, or witch, etc. but surely there are people who practice a nature based religion, you know with a God and Goddess with those seasonal festivals for planting and harvesting stuff? Doesn't it make *sense* to live in such a way that those festivals make sense? Now a lot of people might say, "but I live in AZ and those festivals don't make sense for me!" and I would give you that. But there are a lot of people who do live places where the seasons more or less line up. I do, so where are the other people who think the same way I do!

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