Monday, September 14, 2009

Health Care

I do not understand how people can be opposed to health care reform.... There are almost 50 *million* uninsured Americans. How can we let this stand? And I hear people complaining about the cost but of all the things to spend your money on shouldn't health care be one of the most important?? We can find however many *billion* dollars for wars but we don't want to spend anything on health care?? Our health care system *obviously* doesn't work. Look at my own personal case. I have insurance through work. My husband doesn't work, he is not insured. We can't afford it. Now since he last had insurance he has injured his shoulder and back... so even if we could afford insurance he couldn't get it because of a "pre-existing condition!" *ANYTHING* would be better than nothing, any insurance at all! By the way, we don't qualify for our state healthcare assistance because we make too much money... I also hear people say that a government backed system would be unfair to private companies.... but look at the post office, Fedex and UPS are doing just *fine*. There are plenty of government run programs that work and compete fairly with privately run companies. I just don't get it!

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